
Providing you with the resources
you need to help cope with ag
related stress.
Family plays an important role in our development since each individual in the family impacts and is impacted by the others. If your family is going through a tough time, whether it's from stress, anger, or grief, family therapy can make a difference. It can help couples, children, or members of an extended family learn to communicate better and work through conflicts.

Aging Adults
Late-life depression
affects 6 million people
ages 65 and older. But
only 10 percent receive treatment for depression.
Aging Adults...
Kansas Legal Services provides help for seniors to answer questions about Medicare and to provide legal services to persons age 60 and older focused on civil legal issues, including the Elder Law Hotline.
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS)
The KDADS Resource Connection can help you find access to local services to help insure your needs will be met.
Senior Health Insurance Counseling of Kansas (SHICK)
This network of volunteers is trained to help you with Medicare questions. This is a service offered by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services.
AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons) is a United States-based interest group whose stated mission is "to empower people to choose how they live as they age". According to the organization, it had more than 38 million members as of 2018.
The Kansas Older Worker Program is designed to provide employment placement services to Kansan’s 55 years of age and over with emphasis on employment in the private sector.
Click above to learn about the symptoms and signs of depression.