
Providing you and your family with
the resources you need to help
cope with ag-related stress.
The word "stress" means different things to different people, and everyone responds differently. Some people may cope with stress more effectively or recover from stressful events more quickly than others.
Not only do individuals manage stress differently, they also place a different level of importance on doing so. For example, men report being less concerned about managing stress and are less likely to seek help in this area, whereas women place more emphasis on the need for assistance. Resources are different for for every member of the family, from teens to aging adults. Unique resources are also available to assist our farmer veterans, who face the issues that come with farming along with the challenges that may occur related to being a military veteran.
As more tools are developed, this website will be updated and serve as a hub of current information and resources. If you are a farmer in crisis, or know of someone in need of immediate assistance, contact your local Kansas Community Mental Health Center or call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 988.
Men dealing with stress are less likely to receive mental health treatment than women.
Women are more likely than men to report experiencing depression and anxiety.
Today, one in five teens has a mental
health disorder, such as depression or anxiety.
Depression is one of
the most common mental conditions for veterans.
All families go through difficult times, and working together on the farm can contribute to additional stress.
Late-life depression affects 6 million
people ages 65
and older. But only
10 percent receive treatment for depression.